Electronic music-based nonprofit Give a Beat launched the Prison Electronic Music Program in two California correctional facilities in July 2019 as part of a contract awarded by California Arts Council’s Arts in Corrections (AIC) program. The goal of Give a Beat’s year-long program—which focuses on the fundamentals of DJing and beat production—is to help students develop their own sound expressions and technical acumen while also learning business development and music history. It is designed to help students return to the workforce with valuable technical, social, and entrepreneurial skills. Led by passionate DJs and music producers, currently the course is being taught at California City Correctional Facility (CAC) and Kern Valley State Prison (KVSP). This first Prison Electronic Music Program will run through June 2020. It is Give a Beat’s most expansive and long-term music production offering/course to date.
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DJ Culture, Give a Beat, Green Galactic, Music / Sound, Nonprofit org., Press Releases, Social Justice, Workshop Ableton, Activism, AIC, Anne Bown-Crawford, antirecidivism, art4justice, artforchange, artsincorrections, bethechange, Bryan Stevenson, CAC, California, California Arts Council, californiacitycorrectionalfacility, changethroughmusic, cjreform, dancemusic, djworkshop, electronicmusic, endmassincarceration, fighthepower, giveabeat, hiphop, housemusic, jamaicandub, Kernvalleystateprison, KVSP, Lauren Segal, Los Angeles, musiceducation, musicforgood, musicproduction, musicreform, nativeinstruments, PR, press release, prisonart, prisoneduction, prisonreform, professionalskills, publicity, recidivismreduction, schoolsnotprisons, self-empowerment, social justice, socialactivism, socialjustice, technomusic, traktor, traktors2, turnontunein, workshop
NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Fellowship for Change presents the inaugural event 72 Virgins Mocktail Party on Monday, May 25, 2015 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. The event follows a successful four-week 72 Virgins workshop series teaching attendees how to make virgin cocktails. 72 Virgins celebrates the worldwide tradition of ‘socializing over a drink’ with a twist. The program goal is to create and foster a safe space for micro-community leaders of varied faiths and backgrounds. The workshops are setup to supply the tools these leaders need to create their own events encouraging cross-cultural conversations while celebrating religious differences. Read the rest of this entry »
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Food & Drink, International Cultures, Learning/Workshops/Seminars/Classes, NewGround, Workshop 72 Virgins, Aziza Hasan, Bartending, Bootleg Theater, Cocktail, Community, Conversation, Cross Culture, Drinks, Engagement, Faith, Green Galactic, Hand Crafted Drinks, Howard Seth Cohen, Jewish, Lynn Tejada, Micro-Community, Mixology, Mocktail, Muslim, Muslim-Jewish, NewGround, Non-alcoholic, Partnership for Change, party, PR, press release, religion, Saba Mirza, Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center, Social, workshop
Los Angeles-based arts and culture promoter Green Galactic is proud to offer its first-ever class, Marketing, Promotion & PR Basics for Emerging Cultural Creatives, through Trade School LA on Saturday, September 27, 2014, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. Green Galactic instructors, Founder Lynn Tejada and Marketing Consultant Charlene Boehne, will guide participants through an introduction to marketing and promotion, with a particular focus on public relations and online marketing. The four-hour class has been developed with the needs of emerging visual artists, musicians, filmmakers, playwrights, chefs, choreographers, community space/event organizers, and other creative folks in mind. Read the rest of this entry »
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Art, Business, Dance, Entertainment, Events, Female - Founded/Run & Co-Founded Entities by Women, Film, Food / Restaurant, Green Galactic, Music / Sound, Photography, Press Releases, Theater, Tip arts, audience, barter, Barter-Based Class, Basics, CA, California, Charlene Boehne, chefs, choreographers, class, communication, community spaces, consulting, Cultural Creatives, culture, emerging, emerging visual artists, empowering cultural creatives, Entertainment, event organizers, Gal Palace, Green Galactic, Hollywood, introductory workshop, LA, LA-based firm, Los Angeles, Lynn Tejada, marketing, messaging, North America, Performing Artists, playwrights, PR, Promotion, public relations, publicity, Rampart Village, tools, Trade School LA, United States, Visual Artists, workshop
Dance Camera West (DCW), recognized internationally for its annual presentation and celebration of dance on screen, announces its 10th Anniversary Dance Media Film Festival & Conference. This year’s festival, entitled Dance Media: An Active Spectrum, which will also include a conference component, takes place at several venues around Los Angeles from Thursday, June 16 to Sunday, June 19, 2011. In addition to a full program of provocative screenings, this year’s special anniversary event will also include a unique series of educational events, guest speakers, and networking opportunities for the international dance media community. DCW once again partners with the city’s most prominent venues to offer this year’s screenings, installations, and panel discussions with visiting international artists.
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Art, Dance, Dance Camera West, Entertainment, Events, Female - Founded/Run & Co-Founded Entities by Women, Film, Learning/Workshops/Seminars/Classes, Nonprofit org., Other, Press Releases 10th Anniversary, academic, Anniversary, Art, CA, California, dance community, Dance Media: An Active Spectrum, dance on film, discussions, educational, Festival, Film, Hammer Museum, LA, Los Angeles, Lynette Kessler, Media, panel, screendance, screening, The Getty Center, video, workshop
Breakdance Project Uganda reaches youth in the slums of Kisenyi, Uganda (photo credit: Nabil Elderkin)
Award-winning film Bouncing Cats, the inspiring documentary of one man’s attempt to create a better life for the children of Uganda through hip hop, is on the festival circuit making its way around North America along with limited sneak peek screenings and benefit events. Narrated by Common and featuring interviews with Will.I.Am, and K’Naan, the story follows the legendary Crazy Legs of the Rock Steady Crew and b-boy Abramz, the founder of Breakdance Project Uganda (BPU), on a journey to unify, empower and inspire youth in the war torn region that has been called one of the worst places on earth to be a child.* The film, by director Nabil Elderkin, recently won “Best Documentary Feature Film” at the Urbanworld Film Festival in New York, “Outstanding Achievement in Documentary Filmmaking” at the Newport Beach Film Festival, and “Audience Favorite Award” at Southern Utah International Documentary Film Festival.
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Africa, Art, Bio, Bouncing Cats, Celebrity, Dance, Entertainment, Events, Film, Learning/Workshops/Seminars/Classes, Music / Sound, Nonprofit org., Other, Press Releases, Travel Abraham Tekya, Abramz, Africa, AIDS orphan, American Film Market, Amy Taylor, Andrew Le Guier, Arizona State University, Art, audience favorite award, b-boy, BendFilm, Best Documentary Feature Film, Bouncing Cats, BPU, breakdance, Breakdance Project Uganda, campaign, Charles Spano, Charlie Rosene, Claude Merkel, Common, Crazy Legs, dance on film, Decatur High School, DocuFest Atlanta, documentary, DocUtah, Downtown Independent, education, Entertainment, feature films, Festival, Film, George Mays, Hard Rock Cafe, Hartford International Film Festival, Heartland Truly Moving Pictures, hip hop, Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival, human interest, international, Isaac Hagy, Jolly Grace Okot, K'Naan, Kampala, Karma Gardner, LA, Los Angeles, Manifesto Film Fest, Montreal International Black Film Festival, MoogFest, Music, Nabil Elderkin, National Geographic LIVE!, Newport Beach Film Festival, North America, Nyla Hassell, Oustanding Achievement in Documentary Filmmaking, Oxfam, positive social change, Red Bull Media House, Rice University, Rock Steady Crew, Scotty Bradfield, screening, Southern Utah International Documentary Film Festival, Uganda, United States, Urbanworld Film Festival, USC, will.i.am, workshop
Pioneering interdisciplinary artist Rachel Rosenthal, 83, is set to release her long-awaited book, The DbD Experience: Chance Knows What It’s Doing! DbD, or “Doing by Doing” describes her signature method of teaching improvisational theater. In the 130-page book, the Obie winning performer explores improvisational theater and its relationship to life, offering a blow-by-blow account of what happens in her 34-hour DbD weekend intensive workshops (currently still happening on a bi-annual basis in Los Angeles). This mix of memoir, teaching manual, and manifesto was edited by Kate Noonan and is set for US release in December 2009 by Routledge. Read the rest of this entry »
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Art, Bio, Book, Clients, Events, Female - Founded/Run & Co-Founded Entities by Women, Learning/Workshops/Seminars/Classes, Nonprofit org., Other, Press Releases, Rachel Rosenthal, Theater Art, Book, Book Release, Chance Knows What It's Doing, doing by doing, Entertainment, improvisation, improvisational, interdisciplinary art, Kate Noonan, LA, Los Angeles, manifesto, manual, memoir, North America, performance artist, PR, public relations, publicity, Rachel Rosenthal, Rachel Rosenthal Company, Routledge, The DbD Experience, TOHUBOHU! Extreme Theater Ensemble, total free improvisation, United States, workshop